Unusual color schemes are always fun to print, and the vibrant crimson and subtle dove grey really make the contrasting type faces on this invitation pop! We love the way Hailey and Mike’s names are the clear focal point of the design. Design by James Rabdau of the Summit Group, printed on 110# Crane Lettra Pearl with Pantone 199U (red) and Pantone Cool Grey #4 . Congratulations, Hailey and Mike!
Spring is upon us and we can’t get enough of gardening right now! While searching out fun garden ideas, we found Brooke Budner & Caitlyn Galloway who have transformed a small corner of San Francisco urban life into a garden of natural delights. And I love their wonderful drawings. Pretty sure we should letterpress something for them!
Check them out at: Little City Gardens Read The Rest

We will be having another letterpress class this month, so if you are interested, please call or come in to reserve your spot! The class is limited to six so that everyone can get enough hands-on time with the beautiful letterpresses. These classes are really a great deal because not only do you learn the basic skills of letterpress, but you will also go home with 50 beautiful cards that you personally printed and scored. Considering that letterpress cards cost anywhere from $2-5 on etsy, you will come out of this class having made money! Plus, breakfast is provided along with a marvelous custom apron crafted by Lady Danburry! Here are the details:
Introduction to Letterpress Class
When: March 27, 2010 at 10am
Cost: $100 ($75 w/student i.d.)
Where: Rowley Press @ 39 W 200 N, Provo, UT 84601
Amount of Fun: Tons

I love traveling and live with an acute case of wanderlust almost every day. These handmade globes from Bellerby & Co may be just the thing I need to cure my wandering tendencies. I can just picture myself sitting in my study imagining all of the wonderful places that have been hand-layed on to the plaster sphere and then lovingly painted. Perhaps that would not be the best thing for wanderlust, but it would be enjoyable nonetheless.
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Drew Danburry’s new album, Goodnight Gary, came out on February 9 and it is wonderful! Sure, Drew is one of my best friends and an amazing guy, but his music has truly been increasing exponentially in listening goodness! His music has come a long way since his “White Chocolate” days (sorry Drew). His thoughtful & poetic lyrics, catchy melodies, and positive energy will have you rocking in no time. Be sure to listen to the words in these carefully crafted tunes, because these songs aren’t just for tapping your feet. Check out his website for information and tons of free downloads (I’m talking about whole albums, not just a song or two.)
Here are some links to get you where you need to go:
Drew Danburry Website
Buy the New Album on Amazon
Facebook Fanpage

Rollers might not be the most exciting topic to many people, but they surely are an essential component of a good letterpress. They can make the difference between a beautifully inked impression and muddled, sloppy, printing frustrations. Recently I purchased new rollers for Rowley Press’s Chandler & Price Old Style Letterpress, aka The Scholar. I happened to be down by the factory where they were made, so I stopped by to say hello and to check out their operation. More after the jump…
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The first Revival meeting of The Hot Chocolate Club was a great success! It is so great to be surrounded by so many fun people united by Chocolate in its excited form! We had a training by Ashley Mae Hoiland, Hot Chocolate Haikus, marvelous music by Katie Brandeburg, delicious Hot Chocolates, and lots and lots of talking to people! We will be having another meeting of The Hot Chocolate Club coming up on Wednesday, February 17, from 8-10pm. If you missed the last one, be sure to come out to this one and have a great night with great people! More photos after the juuuuummmp…
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Years ago I ran a little non-profit art gallery with Ashley Mae Christensen called Gallery OneTen. While at Gallery OneTen, I remembered how much I loved Hot Chocolate. So I started a fake club called The Hot Chocolate Club on facebook. Soon there were lots of people in the facebook group, so we started meeting at Gallery OneTen. Those meetings were so much fun that I have heard about them for years. Then Gallery OneTen died, and with it, the meeting place of The HCC. The facebook group became a graveyard for spammers to do their devious work of promoting odd herbal concoctions. The future seemed bleak.
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So, in addition to our two Chandler & Price letterpresses, we are pleased to welcome a beautiful Vandercook! This is the perfect press for teaching classes and for doing large prints. Here is a photo of it while still at its old owners. I have been cleaning it up and tuning it to print beautifully for the past few days and I think it is just about ready now. See the Equipment page for more details and Come print on it!